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Newest at top, like a newsfeed, so that you can quickly check in without having to scroll to the bottom.

[Fri 27Dec2024 18:20]I am still alive. Comeback has been crazy, but it's not over...
[Wed 16Oct2024 16:19]They simply could not comprehend how crazy my comeback was!!1! (still in progress hah)
[Sat 12Oct2024 13:48]They call me speed because I'm a big red car.
[Sun 06Oct2024 17:23]Would it be a good idea to join a hivemind?
lmk quickly they said limited time offer.
[Sun 06Oct2024 17:09]Always good to catch up with friends :)
[Sun 29Sep2024 23:28]It'll probably be a fun challenge to share without giving too much away. Anyway, I've done enough on this for now - on to other tasks.
[Sun 29Sep2024 22:50]Hello, people of the future! The plan is to connect this page with a quick note-taking script or program so that I can just quickly dump out thoughts like a diary.
[Sun 29Sep2024 22:41]Or it might actually need to use some light js (for the option of newest/oldest at top) if I keep it this way,
so maybe it will need to change...
[Sun 29Sep2024 22:41]This is how I'm probably going to format this for now, it's meant to look cool idk.
[Sun 29Sep2024 22:39]nice
[Sun 29Sep2024 22:38]test

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