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I'll fill this site out as I come up with ideas but the main plan is that it shall always be lightweight.
This should be the main domain I use, and thus the most stable, while my others (if you can find them or if I link them) will be more experimental.
It's entirely possible that I occasionally end up bringing this one down with the rest of them, though.
I also might change my mind about the domain name, and just move everything.
If you're interested in seeing similar (and better) sites, you should take a look at The 512KB Club.
If you care about freedom of expression but consider these too bare and would prefer to see or make sites that are more artistic,
I suggest looking at neocities,
or even just using an ssg (static site generator) to make something of your own that's prettier than this yet still light.
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*Note that there's no JS nor do I know any actual way to send you back to top, so these "BTT"s will just be links to the page you're already on to get you back up.
If your internet just cut out, you should probably scroll up instead.